Special thanks to the generous community of Hudson and their continued support!

Community Partnerships

YMCA Camp St. Croix Greenhouse

Hudson Backpack is excited to start providing those in need with additional fresh produce from the new high tunnel farm at YMCA Camp St. Croix. Some of the produce we will receive for our backpacks from this sustainable, year-round production will include lettuce, spinach, turnips, carrots, radishes, and bok choy.

Raider Network

We are proud to partner with the Raider Network at both Hudson High School and Hudson Middle School. With the assistance of our school district counselors, students are provided snacks and grab-n-go meals, school supplies, and personal hygiene supplies at no cost.

Local Churches

Local churches Bethel Lutheran, Saint Patrick Catholic Church, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran, financially contribute on a regular basis to the Backpack Program which enables us to bring healthy food and needed supplies to our families. In addition, community members from The United Methodist Church, Saint Patrick Catholic Church and First Presbyterian Church support Hudson Backpack by collecting and packing little brown snack bags that get distributed to Hudson Middle School and High School students through the Raider Network.
