Volunteer Registration

Please complete our One-Time Volunteer Registration form before signing up to volunteer at our food events.


Volunteer Sign-up for Food Events

Click on the Volunteer for Food Events link above to access the Sign-up Genius list to register for a specific shift at any of our food events. Volunteer as often as you like! We love our volunteers and we like to have fun while we work! It feels good to help others and that’s our secret sauce.


Ways You Can Help

Host a Packing Event!  

Pack meal kits and snack packs for students and their families! This event is perfect for groups of 10-15 people and takes about one hour. Contact Kris Knott at 715-781-5781 or brigandkrisknott@gmail.com for more information.

Collect Food!

Would your workplace like to collect items for us? We need fruit cups, individual microwaveable Chef Boyardee pasta cup meals, boxes of individual oatmeal packets, pudding cups, and soups in individual servings, microwaveable bowls. Contact Kris Knott at 715-781-5781 to arrange a pick up!

Sponsor a Distribution!

Are you part of a local group that would like to sponsor a food distribution? Your group can provide a financial donation and workers to staff one of our summer food distribution events.

Fund and Build Meal Kits!  

Work as a team to fund and create chili, taco, or cookie baking kits! This event is perfect for groups of 10-15 people and takes about one hour. Contact Kris Knott at 715-781-5781 or brigandkrisknott@gmail.com for more information.

How You Can Get Involved

  • Help with packing and delivery of backpacks

  • Host a snack drive and collect fruit cups, pudding cups, and granola bars - we will arrange pick-up

  • Sponsor a special backpack meal by getting a small group together to co-fund and pack a chili or pizza kit

  • Make a donation - monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help maintain our Backpack Program

  • Sponsor a food distribution by providing a financial donation and volunteers to work

  • Sponsor our program by gathering your church groups, work colleagues, clubs, neighbors, scout groups, and athletic teams and host a special event with a coordinated food drive

  • Volunteer your group to work a drive-thru food distribution event together


We love living in a generous community like Hudson
